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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
জাতীয় নির্বাচন- ২০০৮
মনে রাখবেন যাদের কাছে দেশ, জাতি ও গণ মানুষ নিরাপদ নয় তাদেরকে কোন অবস্থাতেই এই শাসনকার্য পরিচালনার দায়িত্ব দেয়া যায় না।
যারা হিংস্র পশু-জানোয়ারের চেয়েও নিকৃষ্ট, ঘৃণ্য উপায়ে লগি-বৈঠা দিয়ে মানুষ খুন করে তার উপর নৃত্য করতে পারে এরা আর যাই হোক আমার-আপনার জন্য কখনোই নিরাপদ নয়।
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
ইরাক সফরে জর্জ বুশের শেষ শ্রদ্ধা: জুতা চুম্বন
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
New Blog site for you
Here's the link of new blog site to help you.

1) তিয়ানশি বাংলাদেশ কোং লিমিটেড
বিশ্বের সর্ববহৎ Direct Selling প্রতিষ্ঠান, যা ১৯০টি'রও বেশি দেশে ব্যবসা পরিচালনা করে আসছে। সুখ-সমৃদ্ধি-সম্পদ গড়ে দেয় তিয়ানশি।

2) Adult Sex: for safest life (couple only)
এই ব্লগ সাইটটি শুধুমাত্র প্রাপ্ত বয়স্ক (১৮+) বিবাহিত নারী-পুরুষদের জন্য। অনুগ্রহ করে এই ব্লগটির অপব্যবহার করবেন না। এই ব্লগে প্রকাশিত কনটেন্টস নিজ দায়িত্বে উপভোগ/ ব্যবহার করবেন; এর জন্য ব্লগার কোনভাবেই দায়ী থাকবেন না।

3) BANDHAN- Literature & Cultural Organization.
এই সাইটটি শিশু-কিশোর সাহিত্য-সাংস্কৃতিক ও ক্রীড়া সংগঠন, "বন্ধন" এর অফিসিয়াল সাইট। এখানে প্রয়োজনীয় অনেক Resource পাবেন যা ব্যক্তিগত, সামাজিক ও অর্থনৈতিক জীবনে উপকারে আসবে।
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
ব্যাচেলর বাসা ভাড়া হবে কি?
ব্যাচেলর শব্দের শাব্দিক অর্থ দাড়ায়- অবিবাহিত। বাসা হলো সামাজিকভাবে বসবাসের জন্য উপযুক্ত ও নিরাপদ স্থান। ভাড়ার মানে লাগিয়ত দেয়া, ঋণ দেয়া বা টাকার বিনিময়ে খাটানো। সবকিছু মিলে দাড়াল অবিবাহিত লোকজনকে টাকার বিনিময়ে বাসা ভাড়ায় খাটানোই হল ব্যাচেলর বাসা ভাড়া। কিন্তু এতকিছুর পরও বাসার মালিক বুঝতে চেষ্টা করেন না এই ব্যাচেলর মানুষটিকে, মুল্যায়ণ করতে চান না একজন সামাজিক জীব হিসেবে। প্রশ্ন জাগে, তিনি কি ব্যাচেলর ছিলেন? নাকি সরাসরি কোন (?) থেকে উড়ে এসে জুড়ে বসেছেন? হযতোবা এরা বাল্য বিবাহের শিকার!
সামাজিক জীবনে প্রত্যেকটি মানুষই সৃষ্টির নিয়মে প্রথমে শিশু হয়ে ভুমিষ্ট হবার পর প্রচলিত আইন অনুযায়ী ১৮ বৎসর পর্যন্ত খোকাই থাকেন। এরই মধ্যে শুরু হয় সামাজিক ভাবে বেড়ে উঠার প্রতিযোগিতা, প্রচেষ্টা আর সংগ্রাম। পড়াশোনার পাঠ চুকিয়ে প্রতিষ্ঠা হবার লড়াই...। তারপর সেই আদিম নিয়মেই একটি মনের সাথে বাধে সংসার নামের ঘর। ছোট্ট একটি বাসা। আর এর আগ পর্যন্ত বাবা-মায়ের সাথেই থাকেন সাধারণত। কিন্তু যার কোন সুযোগ নেই বাবা-মায়ের সাথে থাকার। তার কি উপায়? তাকেই কষ্ট করে শহরের ৫২ বাজার ৫৩ অলি-গলি খুজে বের করতে হয় ব্যাচেলর বাসাটি! তারপরও কি পাওয়া যায়, সোনার হরিণ...?
আমরা সবাই সামাজিক জীব। তারপরও কেনইবা এমন দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি সমাজের এই মানুষগুলোর?
আশা করছি, আমরা আমাদের এহেন দৃষ্টিভঙ্গির পরিবর্তন ঘটাতে সক্ষম হবো। সমাজে সহ অবস্থানের মাধ্যমে তাদের চলার পথকে একটু সহজ ও গতিময় করতে সহায়ক হবো।
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
How to Success: Top Secret <1>
...is that you must Promote your Blog site to everyone in the world to Know about your site.
Don't waste your time, Just Click here to get start...
Learn RDBMS, be a Database Expert...!!!
How are you?
Learn RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management System) with MS Access- 2000. for details please visit: http://learnvbaccess.blogspot.com/
Friday, July 11, 2008
Science and Technology

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Phonetic Bangla কিভাবে e-বাঙলিশ লিখবেন?
সাধারনত কমিপউটার এ বাঙলা লিখার জন্য আমরা 'বাঙলা কি বোর্ড' enabled software যেমন- বিজয় ব্যবহার করে থাকি। কিন্তু সমস্যা হল মোবাইলের এই যুগে যখন Free বলুন আর Paid বলুন SMS পাঠাতে হয় তখন আমার মতো অনেকেরই যে সমস্যাটা হয় তা হল ঠিকমত ইঙরেজীতে লিখতে না পারা...। মনের কথা কি আর ইঙরেজীতে বলা যায়, এ শুধু বাঙলায় সম্ভব।
লক্ষ করা গেছে, মোবাইলে কিঙবা ইন্টারনেটের Guest Book, Comments, etc. লিখতে গিয়ে আমরা ইঙরেজী বর্ণের সমন্বয়ে যে বাঙলা লিখে থাকি- তার কোন অর্থ খুৎজে পাোয়া কিঙবা সহজে বুঝে উঠা বড়ই কঠিন কাজ এবঙ সম্ভবো না। কারণ এখানে একেক জন একেক ভাবে লিখে থাকেন। যেমন- কেমন আছস? লিখতে গিয়ে অনেকে Kemon asos কিঙবা Kemon achos বা অন্য কোন ভাবে লিখে থাকেন। যেহেতু এটা Standard নয় সেহেতু বিভিন্ন জন বিভিন্নভাবে লিখে থাকেন। এবঙ এর নাম দিয়েছি আমি নোয়া-বাঙ-লিশ বা Noa-Bang-Lish অর্থাৰ মনের ভাব/ভাষা প্রকাশের জন্য নোয়াখালীর আঞ্চলিক ভাষার সাহায্য নিয়ে বাঙলা লিখতে ইঙরেজী বর্ণমালা ব্যবহার করা।
তাই এর আশু সমাধান প্রয়োজন। আর এটি করতে হলে সর্বাগ্রে প্রয়োজন হবে একটি স্ট্যান্ডার্ড Phonetic বর্ণমালা যেখানে প্রত্যেকটি বাঙলা বর্ণের প্রমিত বা আদর্শ ইঙরেজী কনভার্টেড বর্ণমালা থাকবে। এবঙ আমরা যদি সকলেই এ নীতিমালা মেনে চলে বা অনুসরণ করে লেখা-লেখি করে থাকি, তাহলে একদিকে যেমন আমার 'মা' য়ের ভাষার চর্চা হবে তেমনি তা সকলের কাছে বোধগম্য হয়ে উঠবে। ধন্যবাদ।
নিম্নে Phonetic Bangla Keyboard

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Life Style হায়রে দেশ! হায়রে! সমাজ.........
রাস্তা, পথ-ঘাটে চলতে ফিরতে গেলে নিজেকে খুব অসুস্থ বলে মনে হয়। উঠতি বয়সের ছেলে-মেয়ে এবঙ যুবক ভাই-বোনদের একি Life Style একি জীবনযাত্রা, এ কেমন সঙস্কৃতি? এ কেমন আচার-আচরণ? স্কুল-কলেজ এরা কেনই বা যায় আর কি বা তাদের শিক্ষা দেয়? বড্ড সঙশয় হয়!
নিজেদের সুস্থ সঙস্কৃতি ভুলে গিয়ে অহরহ চর্চা করে চলেছে অসুস্থ ভিনদেশী অপ সঙস্কৃতি যার সাথে আমাদের ন্যূনতম সম্পর্ক নেই। অথচ এই ধার করা কালচার প্র্যাকটিশ চলছে প্রতিযোগীতার ভিত্তিতে। কে কার চেয়ে কত বেশী?
কলেজগামী ছেলে-মেয়েরা ডিম লাইট রেষ্টুরেন্ট এ গিয়ে আড্ডা দিচ্ছে... সাইবার ক্যাফেতে অন্ধকার রুমে বসে চর্চা করছে অপ-সঙস্কৃতি যার ফলে বেড়েই চলেছে সাইবার ক্রাইম... মুঠো ফোনের সুবাদে অহরহ আদান-প্রদান চলছে নগ্ন নেট পিকচার... ইত্যাদি।
এদের এসব অসুস্থ প্রতিযোগীতার ক্ষেত্র থেকে আমাদের চলার পথ পর্যন্তো রক্ষা পায়নি। চলার পথে হরহামেশাই চোখে পড়ে রিক্সা কিঙবা বেবী টেক্সি তে করে দু'জন ছেলে-মেয়ে অশ্লীল, দৃষ্টি কটু ো বেহায়াপনা ভং্গিতে এত কাছাকাছি বসে এমন সব আচরণ করেন যা খুব সহজেই চোখে পড়ে এবঙ বিবেককে প্রচন্ড নাড়া দেয়........ ছি! ছি! ছি!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Safe SeX
.: Safe SeX
Always avoid sex with anyone who has genital sores, a rash, discharge or other disease symptoms. The only time unprotected sex is safe is if you and your partner have sex only with each other, and if it's been at least six months since you each tested negative for STDs. Otherwise you should:
- Use latex condoms every time you have sex. (If you use a lubricant, make sure it's water-based.) Use condoms for the entire sex act. Condoms are not 100% effective at preventing disease or pregnancy. However, they are extremely effective if used properly. Learn how to use condoms correctly.
- Avoid sharing towels or underclothing.
- Wash before and after intercourse.
- Get a vaccination for hepatitis B.
- Get tested for HIV.
- If you have a problem with drug or alcohol abuse, get help. People who are drunk or on drugs often fail to have safe sex.
- Consider that not having sex is the only sure way to prevent STDs.
It was once thought that using condoms with nonoxynol-9 helped to prevent STDs by killing the organisms that can cause disease. New research shows that it also irritates a women’s vagina and cervix, actually increasing the risk of an STD infection. Current recommendations are to avoid using condoms with nonoxynol-9.
How Can I Prevent Spreading a Sexually Transmitted Disease?
- Stop having sex until you see a doctor and are treated.
- Follow your doctor's instructions for treatment.
- Use condoms whenever you have sex, especially with new partners.
- Don't resume having sex unless your doctor says it's OK.
- Return to your doctor to get rechecked.
- Be sure your sex partner or partners also are treated.
12 Tips for a Happy Marriage
12 Tips for a Happy Marriage
Tried-and-true strategies you can borrow from your parents' marriage to enhance your own.Would you take relationship tips from your grandfather or your mom to make your marriage happier?
Modern married couples just might do well to emulate some of the successful strategies of their happily married parents and grandparents -- from sleeping in separate beds to maintaining same-sex friends.
Two newly reissued books originally published in 1913, Don'ts for Husbands and Don'ts for Wives, contain hundreds of tried-and-true tips for a happy marriage. Advice for wives includes such tidbits as "don't let him have to search the house for you after his day's work. Listen for his latch-key and meet him on the threshold," and "don't bother your husband with chatter if he is tired." And for husbands, "don't hesitate to mention the fact when you think that your wife looks exceptionally nice," and "don't scowl or look severe; cultivate a pleasant expression."
"Baby boomers got sold by psychology on the idea of being 'authentic,'" says Terrence Real, therapist, founder of the Relational Life Institute, and co-author of Wonderful Marriage: A Guide to Building a Great Relationship That Will Last a Lifetime. "It's given us permission to treat and speak to each other horribly. Our grandparents knew better."
Could "old-fashioned" practices offer greater longevity, stability, and pleasure to your marriage? Yes, say the relationship experts WebMD spoke to. Read on for ways to incorporate these retro practices into your own relationship.
(What relationship habits (good and bad) did you learn from your parents? Join the discussion on WebMD's Couples Coping: Support Group board.)
Retro Relationship Tip No. 1: Reinstate Civility
"Please," "thank you," "pardon me" and "may I" are phrases that seemed to have all but disappeared from present-day vocabularies, especially with our loved ones.
After spending time with Wonderful Marriage co-authors Lilo and Gerard Leeds, married for more than 50 years, Real believes you should extend your partner the same courtesy you would a stranger. "When speaking to your spouse, don't be rude, be respectful. Use a combination of old-school civility and modern frankness." Additionally, he suggests trying more sweetness and tenderness by saying things more lovingly.
Psychotherapist and author Tina Tessina, PhD, concurs. "Politeness is like a lubricant for your daily interactions; it makes everything go more smoothly."
Joyce Morley-Ball, EdD, a counselor in Decatur, Ga., adds some specifics. "Show her that chivalry is not dead: Pull out her chair, open the door for her, help her over a puddle, give her your coat when it is cold outside, help her to put on her coat. This act of affection shows that she is important and there is a level of respect for her."
Retro Relationship Tip No. 2: Put Pen to Paper
Back before cell phones and instant messaging, people wrote letters of affection to each other, often waiting weeks to receive them.
Lilia Fallgatter, author of The Most Important Letter You Will Ever Write: How to Tell Loved Ones How You Feel Before It's Too Late, advocates reviving the lost art of letter-writing to increase intimacy in a relationship."Love letters exchanged between a couple can strengthen their relationship by helping them to connect to one another on a deeper level," she says via email. "These letters may also become treasured keepsakes that can be revisited and experienced anew each time they are read." You'll reap bonus points if you hand write it on beautiful paper and enclose a cherished memento such as a photograph or ticket stub from a movie you saw together.
Retro Relationship Tip No. 3: Sleep As Singles
It was TV censors who kept sitcom couples in separate beds, but maybe there was wisdom to catching your ZZZs in your own bed.
When one partner snores or is a night owl, tensions can mount in the marital bed, experts say. It may seem like a throwback a la Ricky and Lucy Ricardo, but many couples happily sleep in separate beds; some even maintain separate bedrooms and eliminate tossing and turning and fights over the blanket.
And many couples who are secure enough to seek satisfying slumber on their own report using the regained energy for more ... loving pursuits.
Retro Relationship Tip No. 4: Maintain Same-Sex Friends -- and Interests
Don't for Wives instructs women not to "try to regulate your husband's pleasures and don't be jealous if they don't include you."
It's only been during the past couple of decades that couples expected to share a bulk of their free time together. Retro couples didn't necessarily want to participate in each others hobbies.
Charlotte, N.C., relationship expert Kathy Stafford recommends that couples keep close ties with their same-sex friends throughout marriage. "My parents had separate interests. Dad belonged to a men's club, and Mom belonged to a ladies-only club. This gave them both time to cultivate their own interests, and they weren't totally reliant on each other for their entertainment."
Retro Relationship Tip No. 5: Look Sharp
How did June Cleaver do it? She always looked impeccable when serving dinner to Ward and the kids.
Les Parrott, PhD, and professor of psychology at Seattle Pacific University, says you can inspire romance by dressing up for the occasion. "With our hectic schedules, it's tempting to resort to sweatpants all weekend or immediately changing into a ratty T-shirt after work. Instead, dress up the next time you and your spouse have dinner or plan a night out. Wearing a beautiful dress or a button-down shirt and slacks will be unexpected and make your partner feel special that you took the extra time to look nice. Taking time with your appearance inspires romance and shows your partner you care."
Rhonda Fine, PhD, a board-certified sexologist at the MIAMI Institute, agrees. She tells WebMD via email, "Never let yourself go. Look your best as often as possible -- it will make your partner feel loved and proud."
Retro Relationship Tip No. 6: Don't Go to Bed Angry
Jackie Gleason may have wanted to "send Alice to the moon," but the Honeymooners settled their quarrels before turning in for the night.
The long-married Leeds are proponents of this wisdom. Even if you can't resolve a disagreement before you hit the sheets, you can agree to let the anger go for the night. Remind each other how lucky you are -- even as you disagree -- to have each other to disagree with.
"From the very beginning we decided that we didn't want to go to bed angry," Gerard Leeds writes. "And we seldom go to sleep without kissing each other good night."
Retro Relationship Tip No. 7: Hit the Dance Floor
Ever notice how blissful couples look as they are twirling across the dance floor, entwined in each other's arms like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers?
There is a language of leading and yielding that dance teaches. Paul Bolotovsky is the owner of the Manhattan-based Nightclub Dance Series, an instructional dance series that teaches men and women how to dance in nightclubs. He says that putting on your dancing shoes can put the sizzle back into a relationship that has fizzled.
"The old days of ballroom dancing and swing have a lot to offer today's couples," he tells WebMD in an email interview. "The touch, teamwork, energy, music, anticipation, and companionship are all wonderful byproducts after a night of dancing." Don't fret if you have two left feet; even "contemporary" dancing" is a way to spend fun time together.
Retro Relationship Tip No. 8: Have Couples Fun
Bridge and pinochle were common activities shared by our parents and their friends. So was cocktail hour and formal anniversary celebrations with like-minded couples.
Fine says, "Play board games with other couples! It's fun and a great way to be social with others and playful with one another."
Parrott says it is important to identify friends who are healthy additions to your social circle. "Your goal is to become close with other couples with similar standards and interests who have positive attitudes about marriage and family life. Gravitate toward fun couples who make you feel supported and enhance your active, healthy lifestyle. Friends like these are good for your marriage and overall well-being."
Retro Relationship Tip No. 9: Give Compliments
To give a compliment, you've got to pay attention -- really notice something about someone. Remember how Carol and Mike Brady, the happily married matriarch and patriarch of The Brady Bunch, lavished them on each other?
If it's been a while since you've doled out flattering praise, try it.
Tessina notes that it costs nothing to say, "You look good," "You did a great job," or "I like your shirt." Yet compliments can really reassure and pump up your spouse.
Retro Relationship Tip No. 10: Hold Hands
Back in our parents' time, hand-holding and discreet pecks on the cheek were the tasteful, chaste displays of affection.
Although anything goes these days, Morley-Ball encourages couples to simply hold hands in public. "[It] affirms to everyone your undying affection and love for each other. [It] shows everyone that you are proud to be with each other and you want everyone to know it."
Tessina echoes this sweet sentiment. "There's an actual electrical connection that passes between us when we touch. You can use that electrical connection to provide juice in your marriage. Give each other little pats and gentle touches and hold hands frequently when you're walking or driving and you'll keep the energy -- and the sweetness -- flowing between you."
Retro Relationship Tip No. 11: Cut Back on Complaints
Yesteryear's couples had a comic reputation for nagging -- think of The Dick Van Dyke Show -- yet, in truth, many partners often held their tongues.
Real thinks a stumbling block in modern marriages is a constant soundtrack of discord. "Our generation thinks that closeness comes from sharing everything, letting each other know how miserable you are. But it doesn't motivate me to treat you better."
He says that relaying every annoyance is a bad idea. Instead, he recommends you pick your battles. "Not everything needs to be addressed."
Retro Relationship Tip No. 12: Try Thoughtful Little Acts
Back in the day, with fewer stresses, limited technology and less multitasking, couples were more "present" in their relationships.
"The presence of little, daily thoughtful acts showed caring and appreciation for one another," says licensed clinical social worker Toni Coleman. "Things like making breakfast for your spouse or packing their lunch, bringing them coffee in the morning or a drink or glass of wine at the end of the day, warming up their car or putting their keys and other personal effects on the hall table, ready to go."
Real writes that sustaining a happy relationship, such as the Leeds', requires careful thought, a generous spirit and hard work.
"There's a lot of wisdom [to be gained] from our parents or grandparents, he says."They had companionship marriage, but we've raised the bar -- we want romance, great sex, and more intimacy. We can reconcile these two approaches. With some of the gentleness and graciousness of previous generations with the technology and savvy of today's marriages."
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Food Safety and Science
Food Safety and Science
FDF works with all our food chain partners to ensure consumers can have confidence in the safety of the food they buy. More
Health and Wellbeing
We continue to respond to society's concerns about the health of the nation and are committed to playing a positive role in this debate. More
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Food Safety in the Home
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Saturday, May 31, 2008
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Monday, May 12, 2008
Deshi Shonskriti, Culture of Bangladesh
Whit it is::
The culture of Bangladesh has a history. The land, the rivers and the lives of the common people formed a rich heritage with marked differences from neighboring regions. It has evolved over the centuries, and encompasses the cultural diversity of several social groups of Bangladesh.
The culture of Bangladesh is composite, and over centuries has assimilated influences of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianism. It is manifested in various forms, including music, dance and drama; art and craft; folklores and folktales; languages and literature, philosophy and religion, festivals and celebrations, as also in a distinct cuisine and culinary tradition.
Music, dance, drama and film
Music and dance style of Bangladesh may be divided into three categories, namely, the classical, folk and the modern. The classical style has been influenced by other prevalent classical forms of music and dances of the Indian subcontinent, and accordingly show some influences dance forms like Bharata Natyam and Kuchipudi. The folk and tribal music and dance forms of Bangladesh are of indigenous origin and rooted to the soil of Bangladesh. Several dancing styles in vogue in the north-eastern part of the Indian subcontinent, like Monipuri and Santal dances, are also practiced in Bangladesh, but Bangladesh has developed its own distinct dancing styles.
Bangladesh has a rich tradition of folk songs, with lyrics rooted into vibrant tradition and spirituality, mysticism and devotion. Such folk songs also revolve round several other themes, including love themes.
Most prevalent of folk songs and music traditions include Bhatiali, Baul, Marfati, Murshidi and Bhawaiya. Lyricists like Lalon Shah, Hason Raja, Kangal Harinath, Romesh Shill, Abbas Uddin and many unknown anonymous lyrists have enriched the tradition of folk songs of Bangladesh.
In relatively modern context, Rabindra Sangeet and Nazrul geeti form precious cultural heritage of Bangladesh. In recent time, western influences have given rise to several quality rock bands, particularly in urban centers like Dhaka.
Several musical instruments, some of them of indigenous origin, are used in Bangladesh, and major musical instruments used are bamboo flute (banshi), drums (dole), a single stringed instrument named ektara, a four stringed instrument called dotara, a pair of metal bawls used for rhythm effect called mandira. Currently, several musical instruments of western origin like guitar, drums, and saxophone are also used, sometimes alongside the traditional instruments.
Festivals and celebrations
Festivals and celebrations are integral part of the culture of Bangladesh. Prominent and widely celebrated festivals are Pohela Baishakh, Independence day, National Mourning Day, Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Azha, Muharram, Durga puja, and Language Movement Day.
Eid ul-Fitr
As the most important religious festival for the majority Muslims, the celebration of Eid ul-Fitr has become a part of the culture of Bangladesh. The Government of Bangladesh declares holiday for three days on Eid-ul Fitar. People living in towns having their families or parents in villages go to their country homes to meet relatives and celebrate the festival together. All outgoing public transport from the major cities become highly crowded and in many cases the fares tend to rise in spite of government restrictions.
On Eid day, Eid prayers are held all over the country, in open areas like fields or else inside mosques. In Dhaka, the largest Eid prayer is held at the national Eidgah. All major mosques including the Baitul Mukarram also holds prayers. The biggest congregation of Bangladesh is held at Sholakia in Kishoreganj, where about half a million people join the Eid prayer.[1] After the Eid prayers people return home, visit each other's home and eat sweet dishes called shirni. Throughout the day gentlemen embrace each other. It is also customary for junior members of the society to touch the feet of the seniors, and seniors returning blessings (sometimes with a small sum of money as a gift).
In the rural areas Eid festival is observed with great fanfare. In some areas Eid fares are arranged. Different types of games including boat race, kabbadi, other traditional Bangladeshi games as well as modern games like football and cricket are played on this occasion.
In urban areas people play music, visit each other's houses and eat special food. Watching movies and television programs has also become an integral part of Eid celebration in urban areas. All local TV channels air special program for several days for this occasion.
Eid ul-Adha
The celebration of Eid ul-Adha is similar to Eid ul-Fitar in many ways. The only big difference is the Qurbani or sacrifice of domestic animals on Eid ul-Adha. Numerous temporary marketplaces of different sizes called Haat operate in the big cities for sale of Qurbani animals (usually cows and goats).
In the morning on the Eid day, immediately after the prayer, capable people arrange to slaughter their animal of choice. Less affluent people also take part in the festivity by visiting houses of the affluent who are taking part in qurbani. After the qurbani a large portion of the meat is given to the poor people.
Although the religious doctrine allows the sacrifice anytime over a period of three days starting from the Eid day, most people prefer to perform the ritual on the first day of Eid . However, the public holiday spans over three to four days. Many people from the big cities go to their ancestral houses/homes in the villages to share the joy of the festival with friends and relatives.
Pohela Boishakh

Pôhela Boishakh is the first day of the Bangla Calendar. It is usually celebrated on the 14th of April.Pohela Boishakh marked the start day of the crop season. Usually on Pôhela Boishakh, the home is thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned; people bathe early in the morning and dress in fine clothes. They spend much of the day visiting relatives, friends, and neighbours and going to fair. Fairs are arranged in many parts of the country. Various agricultural products, traditional handicrafts, toys, cosmetics, as well as various kinds of food and sweets are sold at these fairs. The fairs also provide entertainment, with singers, dancers and traditional plays and songs. Horseraces, bullraces, bullfights, cockfights, flying pigeons, boat racing were once popular. All gatherings and fairs consist a wide spread of Bengali food and sweets.
The most colourful new year's day festival takes place in Dhaka. Large numbers of people gather early in the morning under the banyan tree at Ramna Park where Chhayanat artists open the day with Rabindranath Tagore's famous song, Esho, he Boishakh, Esho Esho (Come, Year, Come, Come). A similar ceremony welcoming the new year is also held at the Institute of Fine Arts, University of Dhaka. Students and teachers of the institute take out a colourful procession and parade round the campus. Social and cultural organisations celebrate the day with cultural programmes. Newspapers bring out special supplements. There are also special programmes on radio and television.Prior to this day, special discounts on clothes, furniture, electronics and various deals and shopping discounts are available. Special line of sarees, usually cottons, white sarees with red print/embroidery is sold before this day as everyone dresses up for this day. jasmine flowers are also a huge sale for this event which adorns the women's hair.
Language Movement Day

Language Movement Day is a unique part of the culture of Bangladesh. Every year on February 21 this day is observed to pay tribute to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to establish Bengali as the official language of then East Pakistan in 1952. The mood of the day is sad and humble.
The celebration of Language movement day goes on the entire month of February. Ekushey Book Fair is a book fair arranged to mark this occasion every year. The fair has also become an integral part of the culture of Bangladesh. Authors and readers in Bangladesh eagerly await the fair each year.
To commemorate this movement, Shaheed Minar, a solemn and symbolic sculpture, was erected in the place of the massacre. Today the Shaheed Minar is the centre of cultural activities in Dhaka. On the morning of February 21 each year, people from all walks of life including the national leaders pay tribute to the martyrs by leaving flowers at Shaheed Minar. A very melodious and melancholy song, Amar Bhaier Rokte Rangano, written by Abdul Gaffar Choudhury and composed by Altaf Mahmud, is played repeatedly in electronic media and cultural gatherings throughout the month, and especially on February 21. This song, too, has become a symbolic mark of culture of Bangladesh.
A traditional wedding is arranged by Ghotoks (matchmakers), who are typically friends or relatives of the couple. The matchmakers facilitate the introduction, and also help agree the amount of any settlement.
Bengali weddings are traditionally in five parts: first it is the bride and groom's Mehendi Shondha,the bride's Gaye Holud, the groom's Gaye Holud, the Beeya and the Bou Bhaat. These often take place on separate days. The first event in a wedding is an informal one: the groom presents the bride with a ring marking the "engagement" which is gaining popularity.
For the mehendi shondha the bride's side apply henna to each other as well as the bride
For the bride's Gaye Holud, the groom's family - except the groom himself - go in procession to the bride's home.
The procession traditionally centers on the (younger) female relative and friends of bride, and they are traditionally all in matching clothes, mostly orange in colour. The bride is seated on a dais, and the henna is used to decorate the bride's hands and feet with elaborate abstract designs. The sweets are then fed to the bride by all involved, piece by piece.
The actual wedding ceremony "Beeye" follows the Gaye Holud ceremonies. The wedding ceremony is arranged by the bride's family. On the day, the younger members of the bride's family barricade the entrance to the venue, and demand a sort of admission charge from the groom in return for allowing him to enter. The bride and groom are seated separately, and a Kazi (authorized person by the govt. to perform the wedding), accompanied by the parents and a Wakil (witness) from each side formally asks the bride for her consent to the union, and then the groom for his. The bride's side of the family tries to play some kind of practical joke on the groom such as stealing the groom's shoe.
The reception, also known as Bou-Bhaat (reception), is a party given by the groom's family in return for the wedding party. It is typically a much more relaxed affair, with only the second-best wedding outfit being worn.
Soccer, cricket and kabaddi. Kabaddi is the national sport of Bangladesh. Cricket is a game which has a massive and passionate following in Bangladesh. Bangladesh has joined the elite group of countries eligible to play Test cricket since 2000. The Bangladesh national cricket team goes by the nick-name of the Tigers—after the Royal Bengal Tiger.
The people of Bangladesh enjoy watching live sports. Whenever there is a cricket or football match between popular local teams or international teams in any local stadium significant number of spectators gather to watch the match live. The people also celebrate major vistories of the national team with a great enthusiasm for the live game. Victory processions are the most common element in such celebrations.
Ex Prime Minister even made an appearance after an international one day cricket match in which Bangladesh beat Australia, she came to congratulate the victory.
Also in late 2006/early 2007, football legend Zinedine Zidane paid a visit to local teams and various events thanks to the invite of Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Muhammad Yunus.
Religion in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is ethnically homogeneous, with Bengalis comprising 98% of the population. The majority of Bangladeshis (about 90%) are Muslims, and a small number of Hindus, Christians and Buddhists are also in the country.
People of different religions perform their religious rituals with festivity in Bangladesh. The Government has declared National Holidays on all important religious festivals of the four major religion. Durga Puja, Christmas and Buddha Purnima are celebrated with enthusiasm in Bangladesh. All of these form an integral part of the cultural heritage of Bangladesh.
See also
Life-style in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is famous for its distinctive culinary tradition, and delicious food, snacks and savories. Boiled rice constitutes the staple food, and is served with a variety of vegetables, fried as well as curries, thick lentil soups, and fish and meat preparations of beef, mutton and chicken.
Sweetmeats of Bangladesh are mostly milk based, and consist of several delights including Roshgulla, Sandesh, Rasamalai, Gulap Jamun, Kalo Jamun, Chom Chom. Several other sweet preparations are also available.
Bengali cuisine is rich and varied with the use of many specialized spices and flavours.
Fish is the dominant source of protein, cultivated in ponds and fished with nets in the fresh-water rivers of the Ganges delta. More than forty types of mostly freshwater fish are common, including carp varieties like rui (rohu), katla, magur (catfish), chingŗi (prawn or shrimp), as well as shuţki (dried sea fish). Salt water fish (not sea fish though) Ilish (hilsa ilisha) is very popular among Bengalis, can be called an icon of Bengali cuisine.
Bangladeshi people have unique dress preferences. Bangladeshi men wear panjabi on religious and cultural occasions, lungi as casual wear and shirt-pant on formal occasions. Sari is the main dress of Bangladeshi women. Sari weaving is a traditional art in Bangladesh. Salwar kameez is also very popular especially among the younger ladies.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org